We are pleased to share select recordings of presentations from our APOD Conference, which took place at SOAS University of London on September 18th, 2023. The agenda for our conference can be found here: APOD-Conference-Agenda

The recordings have been cut to maintain the anonymity of certain presenters and audience members.

Please be advised that all the research and ideas included are the presenters’ original work and should be cited appropriately if used elsewhere.

The following links will open in YouTube. 

Session 1: Introduction

Session 2: Lived Experience in Open Dialogue – Finding Mutuality in Liminality

Session 2: Lived Experience in Open Dialogue – Conversations with service users, ‘Towards a Soundscape of Safety’ (musical composition), Findings from interviews with clients

Session 3: History and pathways of care, clinical challenges

Session 4: Ethics and morality in mental healthcare – Anthropology & the Moral Blind Spots of Evidence-Based Psychiatry 

Any questions about the conference? Email Milena at mw85@soas.ac.uk.